
Apt's Plans for the Regeneration of 141 Woolwich Road Approved

Apt are delighted to announce that the Royal Borough of Greenwich has voted on a resolution to grant planning permission for the redevelopment of 141 Woolwich to create purpose-built student accommodation.  

Designed by Apt, the scheme will provide 190 beds, of which 35% will meet the GLA definition of affordable student accommodation, all with access to shared amenity including kitchen, dining, study, and recreational spaces, contained within a high-performing building fabric, and serviced by renewable energy sources.  

The proposals will transform the current vacant site, with three buildings connected by a podium containing commercial space and student facilities. The scheme addresses its position on the curvature of Woolwich Road and on Dandridge Close though stepped, setback frontages and the creation of high-quality public realm.  

Rain gardens and trees contribute to a sustainable urban drainage strategy and a new dedicated footway on Dandridge Close offers safe pedestrian movement and reinstatement of a traditional street frontage. The planting strategy will see a Biodiversity Net Gain of over 1000%, whilst visible and accessible cycle stores at ground floor will promote sustainable travel.  

Architecturally, rich tones of red brick reference the historic buildings found in the local area, whilst cast masonry lintels, brick detailing and dark profiled metalwork create layering and depth. The design of the internal layouts takes advantage of natural light, ventilation, and aspect, whilst reducing carbon emissions by 35% above Building Regulations Part L and targeting a BREEAM rating of ‘Excellent’.

James Ewen, Executive Director at Apt, said:  

“We are delighted that The Royal Borough of Greenwich Planning Board has granted approval for our scheme. We have worked extremely hard over the past two years to create an exceptional building that responds to this challenging site and the University of Greenwich’s design guide, which exemplifies the wider demands of modern student living”  

Adil Adil, CEO of AVF Developments, said:  

“We are extremely happy with the Board’s decision, and it reinforces our belief that this will be a fantastic addition to the local area. Our thanks go to the consultants, but in particular to Apt and Newmark for leading the team and working to achieve such a positive outcome.

This is an excellently located site for students, only a short cycle to the University of Greenwich’s Maritime Campus and well connected to other institutions via public transport. We look forward to continuing with the next phases of design in anticipation of a start on site next year.”      


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Project Team:

Client – AVF Developments

Planning Consultant – Newmark UK

Architect - Apt

Daylight/Sunlight – Point 2

Townscape and Heritage – KM Heritage

MEP and Sustainability – XCO2

Ecology – Greengage

Transport – RGP Fire Engineering – Orion FE

Civil Engineering – Meinhardt

Archaeology - MOLA
