This is Adrian Alexandrescu

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Architecture is a rebellious profession which continually fights against the commonplace through the combination of fantasy and pragmatism.”
Prior to joining Apt Adrian completed a MArch at Oxford Brookes, where his studies focused on the juxtaposition between humanitarian intervention and new technology in developing countries.  This culminated in an alternative proposal to the current management of the Olympic Games, an idea which emerged as a desire to utilise a fully autonomous parametric system to resource the skills, knowledge and time of the Olympic workers to prevent the further expansion of informal settlements in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Adrian has experience working across multiple disciplines and in multiple locations around the world having collaborated internationally with innovative practices in Romania, Morocco, China as well as in the UK. His enthusiasm and interest in how people respond to their environment led him to undertake research and enter personal competitions for projects in Brazil, Colombia and Netherland. 

Keeping active, travelling and a constant curiosity leads Adrian to new frontiers. He believes that architecture has the power to improve the way in which we live, work, move and play.
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