This is Giulia Amodio

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Direct +44 (0)20 7419 3511
Architecture is about finding solutions to a problem in a very inspiring way.”
Experimenting with volumes, textures and colours always stimulated Giulia’s curiosity and imagination. She is fascinated by the sensorial and functional aspects of architecture and by the way that the combination of these ingredients can impact people’s emotions and wellbeing.

Giulia is continuously looking for inspiring, innovative and high quality products to integrate into her designs. She is keen to listen to people’s needs and thoughts and to take inspiration from these to develop tailored and unique spaces. 

Before joining Apt, Giulia collaborated with different practices in the UK and in the Principality of Monaco where she had the opportunity to work across all stages of designs. Her experience extends to a wide range of projects such as high end residential, educational and commercial schemes.  

At Apt, Giulia is developing projects which push boundaries, this gives her the opportunity to experiment with new solutions to societies needs, in a city that is firmly bonded to its identity, yet in constant metamorphosis.

In her free time, Giulia enjoys travelling, sewing and sailing, where all that matters is passion, concentration and grit.
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