It’s been a continuous pleasure of mine over the last six months to reflect on Making Space, showcased here at the Apt studio.
Curated by Jonathan Watkins, Making Space has hosted three thought-provoking and contrasting responses. The shows by Richard Deacon, Ben Langlands & Nikki Bell, and now Rose Davey have all been impeccably tempered to the space of our studio at 235 St John Street.
Rose’s show; The Idea Repeat, is both inspiring and intriguing. It’s a very personal show, as Rose invites the audience into the world of the works' creation. Offering an insight into her studio practice and how the works are made and where that initial creative impulse can be found.
Rose has allowed us to view in a work such as These Things 2010- 2024 a visual sketch book of ideas, items of inspirations, collaborative interactions, all enormously personal, including additions by Rose’s children. I’ve spent a lot of time revisiting this piece and it makes me smile.
In Rose’s words to accompany the exhibition, she talks about the task; ‘again, again, again’ – and predominantly; what do we learn from undertaking the same task, returning to it, and refining it.
It’s a fascinating read, and it reminds me of a quotation from Agnes Martin;
‘That art must derive from inspiration’.
The work of Agnes Martin at first glance seems to be a repeat of the same painterly acts, ‘time and time’ again, with nuanced and subtle variations, but always with the same core components at the paintings structure. Does this make the work repetitive, yes – does this make the work uninteresting and anything less than both subtle and beautiful – certainly not.
I see the same blissful losing of oneself in a process of repeat, learning, understanding and subtle interactive change in Rose’s work. As the eye is allowed to enjoy the relationship between scale and colour. In the grid of works entitled Some Holiday 2022, 18 birch plywood pieces respond to each other as a singular work, whilst also being individually contained by a grid themselves. Having seen archival photographs of this piece previously installed against a neutral white walled gallery background, it is especially successful here at Apt, as it responds to the richness and texture of a naked brick wall with each of the colour variations working with this very beautifully.
I’ve used the word beautiful a number of times in this small written piece, as that’s the personal and emotional response I feel when looking at Roses work.
I find it inspiring, joyful and calming. They are works I could live with and alongside and that I could learn from, as like all great work repeat viewings, ‘again and again and again’ only embellish them deeper in your heart.
Thank-you Rose for making the last 10 weeks very special for all of us here at Apt.