This is Emma Hartley


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Direct +44 (0)207 419 3562
Architects can't force people to connect, they can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers, and make meeting places useful and attractive.”
— Denise Scott Brown
Emma first joined Apt as a Part I in 2018, having previously began her architecture journey studying her undergraduate degree at the University of Westminster. Throughout her time as a Part I, she worked on the Well Platinum Rated, Longwater Avenue office scheme in Reading. 

September 2019 saw Emma return to her studies to complete her masters degree at the University of Liverpool. A highlight of her time at university was her thesis project which explored the built environments, and by extension, the architects role in furthering the existing mental health, healthcare model. Placing people, their desires and their movements at the centre of the design process.

Since her return to Apt as a Part II Emma has joined the 2 Trafalgar Way team, a large student accommodation scheme. Implementing and building upon the skill sets formed throughout her Part I and masters.

Outside of the studio Emma enjoys spending as much time as possible outside and can often be found perusing the local garden centre to add to her plant collection.