Recently the practice had the pleasure of participating in an interactive CPD by Alasdair Dixon on Ethical Architecture. We were all left with a greater concern and understanding for the material supply chain and what steps we can take as designers to challenge and investigate this process to ensure that the materials we specify on our projects are from ethical supply chains.
Whilst Aptlab’s research focus is environmentally responsible materials, we understand that ethical supply chains go hand in hand with sustainable material processes.
A material which is responsible from both an ethical and environmental perspective is Cocomosaic. These tiles are made from coconut shells in West Java, Indonesia, that are normally waste material from coconut milk and water production. In addition to using a waste material, the manufacturing production has created jobs for local workers in a new industry.
Practice safe design. Use a concept.”— Petrula Vrontikis
As designers within the construction industry which has such a large impact on the environment, it is no longer acceptable to not be taking into consideration the wider impact of our decisions. We are looking forward to the next couple of months in Aptlab to develop both our environmental and ethical understanding of new innovative materials and their processes.
Link to suppliers website: https://natureathome.eu/nl/