Following an influx of new interiors projects into the practice, we have been looking at materials to use for joinery packages, especially in the commercial and student housing sectors.
One that has caught our eye has been Fibracolour by Finsa for its vast potential and variety. This unique through coloured wood fibre board is made with a low concentration of formaldehyde and takes its colour from water-based non-toxic pigments.
Whilst the possibility to apply a natural veneer is possible, the vibrancy of the through colour and hard-wearing nature of the surface allows this material to stand up on its own merits as a finish and structural joinery element. It also allows us as designers to omit a veneer from our specification, saving both the client the cost of the additional finish and satisfaction from a designer’s perspective of using a material with integrity.
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Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”— Leonardo da Vinci